Determination of Bioavailable Selenium in Soils Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry


  • D. Bajcan Institute of Chemistry,
  • M. Zemberyova Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Comenius University,
  • J. Klimek Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
  • D. Rurikova Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Comenius University,


Bioavailable Se was determined by AAS after extraction from soil with various extractants. Six extraction agents were tested for the determination of plant-available selenium. The Se extractability from soils decreased in the order: 2 mol/l HNO3 > 1 mol/l KH2PO4 > 0.1 mol/l KH2PO4 + K2HPO4 > 0.1 mol/l KH2PO4 > 0.05 mol/l EDTA (pH 7) > 0.43 mol/l CH3COOH. The 0.1 mol/l KH2PO4 + K2HPO4 (pH 7) seemed to be the most suitable. The amount of the bioavailable Se in soils was very low (max. 2.5%) due to acid and neutral pH of the soils.



Jak citovat

Bajcan, D., Zemberyova, M., Klimek, J., & Rurikova, D. (2001). Determination of Bioavailable Selenium in Soils Using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Chemické Listy, 95(10). Získáno z




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