Využití 3D lipidových matric pro začlenění a stabilizaci biologicky aktivních molekul
Tento článek je součástí seriálu Ženy v české chemii
https://doi.org/10.54779/chl20220172Klíčová slova:
lipidové nanočástice, lipidová kubická fáze, kubozom, hexozom, biologicky aktivní látkaAbstrakt
In aqueous media, biologically active substances are usually unstable, poorly soluble compounds with low bioavailability. Incorporation of these compounds into the structure of lipid-based lyotropic liquid crystalline phase or nanoparticles can increase their solubility and subsequent bioavailability. The aim of this review is to clarify the principle of self-assembly of lipidic amphiphilic molecules in the aqueous environment, to present lipid bicontinuous cubic and hexagonal phases and their current biological application.