Prírodné zeolity s vrstvou MnO₂ na povrchu v úprave vody
Klíčová slova:
pitná voda, úprava vody, kontaktná filtrácia, odstraňovanie železa a mangánu, prírodný zeolit, Klinopur-Mn, KlinomanganAbstrakt
At present different materials with a surface oxidation layer are used for removal of Fe and Mn from water (such as Greensand, Birm, MTM, Everzit-Mn, Cullsorb-M, Pyrolox). The surface of these materials is activated with KMnO4 solution. Zeolites Klinopur-Mn and Klinomangan with activated surfaces were used for removal of Fe and Mn from water in a water treatment plant to compare their efficiency. For these materials surface properties and chemical composition were determined. The materials showed different efficiency in removal of Mn from water due to the different water quality and properties of the surface oxidation layer.